AI Article Writer 6.0

Article Writer 6.0 is Writesonic’s flagship tool, designed to revolutionize the content creation process. This product gives you complete control over the entire process, from research, competitor analysis, and adding a personalised brand voice to defining the article's word length, resulting in an SEO-optimized, factually accurate article that would have an image added to it.

Designed for Content Marketers, Bloggers, SEO specialists, Students, Digital Agency owners, digital content creators and the like, AI Article Article 6.0 covers infinite use cases related to content generation.

What’s New?

  • Real-Time factual content: AW6 leverages the power of AI to scour the web for the freshest information, seamlessly integrating it into the content.
  • Competitors Analysis: AW6.0 will help create content that stands out in your niche, ensuring top ranking, so that you stay ahead of your competitors.
  • Brand Voice and Tone of Article: The article is carefully crafted to reflect your brand's unique voice, which will consistently resonate throughout the text. Depending on the style of the article, you can choose the tone to be casual, professional, or any other.
  • SEO: AW6 Integrates SEO best practices using Writesonic’s SEO Checker and Optimizer tool during the writing process, optimizing content for search engines from the outset.
  • Integrated Image: AW6.0 skilfully creates captivating and relevant visuals to accompany articles, effectively enhancing reader engagement. This saves you from sourcing images or creating one on your own.
  • Automated Internal Linking: Once provided, AW6 will strategically incorporate internal links within the content of the article. This process of internal linking is a powerful and effective SEO strategy that can significantly boost your website's visibility in search engine results.
  • Citations: It automatically adds references and citations, enhancing the credibility and authority of the articles. It also keeps track of all sources used, simplifying the process of referencing and verifying the information presented in the content.
  • Tailored word length: Users have the option to determine the length of their articles, ranging from concise 500-word pieces to detailed 5000-word articles.

Article creation flow

Step 1: Enter a Topic


Let's imagine you're planning to create an article titled "How the Adoption of Electric Vehicles Will Look Like in the Year 2030". To start this process, your first step would be to conduct thorough research on the topic. Earlier, you might begin by entering this query into a search engine like Google to gather preliminary information and gain insights from the existing similar articles. Similarly, in the context of our AI Article Writer 6.0, the first step is to enter your chosen topic.
This "Topic" feature is designed to streamline your article creation process, enabling a more tactical and strategic approach to content generation. By inputting the topic, you are setting the foundation for the AI to help generate a comprehensive, well-researched, and engaging article.


The location you select from the provided drop-down menu plays a crucial role in influencing the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) for a specific location in the following steps of the process. By selecting the desired location, you are essentially guiding the AI to focus its research and content generation towards that particular geographical area. In short, this helps you with local SEO


Choose a language for localizing the final generated article. We currently support more than 20 languages.

  • Supported languages: Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian and more.
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Step 2: Select Reference Articles

What are Reference articles?

  • Users can select up to five references(or choose to add URLs directly) to guide the AI's comprehension of their topic. Writesonic uses these references to determine the ideal word length, heading distribution, and keyword strategy based on competitor and keyword analysis.

  • Select from the list

    • Our AI Article Writer 6 uses the articles picked by the user to learn from successful articles. It looks at their keywords, length, and other important parts. This helps it understand what makes these articles do well in search engine rankings. Using this knowledge, AW6.0 can plan how to create articles.
      The information from this process is then used to make a new, better article. This article won't just copy the good parts of the other articles. It will also try to do better than them. The main goal is to get a higher search engine ranking and make content that stands out online.
  • Add Your Own References Custom Reference URLs

    • At the top of the 'Select References' interface, you'll find a URL input field. To add a custom reference, copy the source URL and paste it into this field. After pasting the URL, press 'Enter' or click the arrow icon next to the input field to submit the reference.
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Step 3: Select a primary keyword

What is a Primary keyword?

  • Primary keywords are the main terms and phrases you’re targeting in your SEO strategy. They align with the central theme or topic of the content.
    • For instance, if the topic you have chosen in Step 1 is "The Adoption of Electric Vehicles in 2030", your primary keyword could be "Electric Vehicles in 2030" or “Electric vehicles”.
      • This primary keyword is crucial as it aligns with the central theme of your content and plays a significant role in your SEO strategy. The AI uses this primary keyword to create a comprehensive, well-researched, and engaging article on your chosen topic.

Which keyword to select?

  • From the given metrics, choose the keyword with a fine balance between, (Low to Medium) Difficulty and (Medium to High) Volume
    • Please note: If a user chooses to enter a Primary keyword of their choice, they are free to do so. The input box to "Add your own keyword" can be found at the top of the list.

Definition of the column headings(listed metrics)

  • Volume: Keyword search volume refers to the average number of times a keyword is searched for in the past month
  • Difficulty: In the realm of SEO, Keyword Difficulty is a useful metric that indicates how challenging it might be to rank for a specific search query. The higher the score, the more difficult it is to rank.

Note: SEO beginners may mix up 'Keyword Difficulty' and 'Competition' in the Google Keyword Planner. 'Competition' is for paid search, while 'Keyword Difficulty' is for organic search.

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Step 4: Select a title

Select a Title from the provided list.

  • Each title option has been designed to incorporate the primary keywords, ensuring improved Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for your content. This crucial step allows you to effectively align your chosen topic with SEO strategies, enhancing your article's visibility and reach.
    • Please note: If a user chooses to enter a custom title of their choice, they are free to do so. The input box to "Add your own Title" can be found at the top of the list.
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Step 5: Select secondary keywords

What is a secondary keyword?

  • Secondary keywords, including synonyms, subtopics, and long-tail variations, relate to your main search term. Adding these keywords in subheaders and text helps Google understand your page's content.
    • For example, if you have chosen "The Adoption of Electric Vehicles in 2030" as your topic in Step 1, your secondary keyword could be something related but more specific, such as "car make" or "vehicle make". These secondary keywords help in further refining your topic and offering additional context for your article. They can aid in developing subtopics or related discussions within your main subject matter, enhancing the depth and breadth of your content.

Which keywords to select?

  • From the given metrics, choose the keywords with a fine balance between, (Low to Medium) Difficulty score and (Medium to High) Volume
    • Please note: If a user chooses to enter a custom Seconday keyword of their choice, they are free to do so. The input box to "Add your own Secondary keywords" can be found at the top of the list.
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Step 6: Additional Settings

Word count:

  • Choose from the given option to determine the length of your article, ranging from concise 500-word pieces to in-depth 5000-word compositions.
  • In terms of finalizing the content parameters - specifically the word count - AW6.0 provides an "SEO Recommended" option. This recommendation is made based on the SERP analysis carried out in the previous steps. AW6.0's recommendation aims to suggest the most optimal word range for your article, taking into account the best practices for SEO optimization and reader engagement.

Brand Voice:

You can tailor the AI’s writing style to match your brand’s unique voice, ensuring consistency across all content. You can inject your brand's distinctive tone, style, and more to make sure the content you generate always aligns with your brand.

  • Let's consider a scenario:
    • Where you're running a lifestyle platform that specializes in baby wear products. Now, your platform has a unique brand tone that differentiates you from other similar platforms. This unique brand tone acts as your brand's identity, helping your customers recognize your brand instantly.
    • However, maintaining this unique tone consistently across all your content can be a challenging task, especially when you're scaling your content production. In such cases, Brand Voice can prove to be an invaluable tool.
    • This feature enables you to mirror the tone from your existing content and use it as a blueprint to create new content. The result is fresh content that resonates with your brand's unique tone, ensuring that your brand identity remains intact, regardless of the content.

Point of View:

The point of view is expressed through the author's use of pronouns that reveal the narrator's position. In the first person, the narrator uses the pronoun 'I'. In the second person, 'you' is used. In the third person, the pronouns 'she', 'he', 'they', or 'it' are used.

  • How the Point of View Feature Works

    • First Person (I/We): When using the first person POV, the narrative is told from the perspective of the author. This POV is highly effective for personal stories, op-eds, or any content where a personal connection is desired. It gives the content a more intimate and relatable touch, as if the writer is directly communicating with the reader.

      • Example - "Every morning, I make it a point to go for a brisk 30-minute walk. This routine has not only improved my physical health but also my mental well-being. Let me share with you how integrating exercise into my daily schedule has changed my life for the better."
    • Second Person (You): The second person POV addresses the reader directly, using 'you'. This perspective is particularly powerful for instructional content, such as how-to guides or tutorials, where the goal is to engage the reader conversationally. It makes the reader feel directly involved and addressed, enhancing the instructional value of the content.

      • Example - "Imagine starting your day with a burst of energy that lasts until the evening. By dedicating just 30 minutes to exercise each morning, you can experience significant improvements in your health and mood. Let's explore how making this simple change can transform your life."
    • Third Person (He/She/They/It): The third person POV offers a more detached perspective, suitable for news articles, reports, or any content that requires a neutral or objective tone. It allows the writer to present information from a distance, without personal bias, making it ideal for factual and informative pieces.

      • Example - "Individuals who incorporate at least 30 minutes of exercise into their daily routine experience a myriad of health benefits. Studies show that regular physical activity can lead to improvements in cardiovascular health, mood, and overall quality of life. This article delves into the science behind the benefits of daily exercise."
        The "Point of View" feature in Writesonic's AI article writer allows you to effortlessly switch between these perspectives, and craft content that resonates with your target audience, whether it be personal and engaging, direct and instructional, or neutral and informative. T

The "Point of View" feature in Writesonic's AI article writer allows users to effortlessly switch between these perspectives, enabling them to craft content that resonates with their target audience, whether it be personal and engaging, direct and instructional, or neutral and informative. This flexibility not only enhances the quality of the writing but also broadens the scope of content that can be produced, catering to a wide range of content needs and objectives.


This feature understands that the tone of content plays an essential role in how messages are perceived and received by readers. Whether your brand's voice is professional, casual, inspirational, or anywhere in between, Writesonic's AI can adapt its writing style to meet your needs, ensuring that your content resonates with your intended audience.

  • Detailed Example of the Tone Feature
    Imagine you're managing content for a startup that's all about digital wellness. Your brand's voice is friendly, supportive, and slightly informal, aiming to make digital wellness accessible to everyone. Here's how Writesonic's Tone feature can be leveraged:
    1. Setting the Tone: You decide that your content should have a conversational tone to make it engaging and relatable to your audience. The conversational tone uses first and second-person pronouns, asks rhetorical questions, and may include colloquial language to break down barriers between the writer and the reader 
    2. Creating Content: With the tone set to conversational, you use Writesonic to generate a blog post titled "10 Easy Digital Detox Tips for a Happier Life." The AI understands your tone requirement and crafts content that's friendly, approachable, and full of practical advice, delivered as if you're having a chat with the reader.
    3. Example Content Snippet: "Ever feel like you're glued to your screen more than you'd like? Yeah, we've all been there. Let's talk about some super simple ways to cut down on screen time without missing out on the fun stuff. Trust me, it's easier than you think to get a bit of digital detox into your daily routine!"


When enabled, the FAQ section, designed to boost the relevance and SEO of your content, is added based on the SERP. This feature identifies relevant questions through SERP analysis, commonly searched by users. By including these in your article, user engagement improves, value is provided to readers, and it can potentially increase your content's search ranking.

  • How the FAQ Feature Works
    • SERP Analysis: The tool analyzes the top-performing content on search engine results pages related to your article's topic. It identifies the questions these pages are answering, which indicates what users are frequently searching for.
      • Example: The tool analyzes search results related to vegan baking and identifies common questions users have, such as "Can I use regular flour for vegan baking?" or "What are the best substitutes for eggs in vegan baking?"
    • Question Generation: Based on the SERP analysis, Writesonic's AI then generates a list of relevant questions that your targeted audience is likely to search for.
    • Answer Crafting: Along with the questions, the AI also provides concise and informative answers to these questions, ensuring your content is comprehensive and valuable to the reader.
      • Example: For each question, the AI crafts detailed, informative answers. For example, for the question about flour, the answer might be, "Yes, regular flour is typically vegan, as it's made from grains. However, ensure it hasn't been bleached with animal-derived ingredients for a truly vegan option."
    • SEO Boost: By including these FAQs in your article, you can enhance its SEO performance. Search engines favor content that thoroughly addresses user queries, and an FAQ section is a direct way to hit this mark.


The inclusion of citations is a crucial feature that not only bolsters the credibility of the article but also provides references for readers interested in further exploration of the topic. By linking back to authoritative sources, this feature ensures that the information presented in the article is supported by reliable data, thus enhancing its validity. Moreover, it introduces a wealth of additional resources for the reader, encouraging deeper understanding and further reading on the subject matter.

Internal Linking:

To further optimize your article for search engines, you can utilize the internal linking. Once provided, we will strategically incorporate internal links within the content of the article.
This process of internal linking is a powerful and effective SEO strategy that can significantly boost your website's visibility in search engine results. Not only does it guide the readers to other relevant pages on your website, but it also helps search engines understand the structure and hierarchy of your website's content. So, please share your website links, and let us help you elevate your website's SEO performance.


This feature enables you to specify the desired next step or action to be taken by the readers after consuming the generated content.

Additional Instructions:

In this section, you can provide any special instructions or guidance that you would like to be considered in the creation of the article. These instructions could range from specific points that you want to be covered in detail, to a unique viewpoint on the topic that you would like the article to focus on.
Alternatively, you may have some other specific guidance in mind that will help in shaping the content to align more closely with your needs and preferences. Whether it's a particular approach, a specific style, or a unique perspective, these instructions will serve as an essential guide in tailoring the content to your specific requirements.

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Steps 7 & 8: Select headings and Finalize outline

  • Select from the list of the Headings presented. “Sections” presented in each card represents the final structure of the Article that would be generated.
    • Please note: You would also have the option to edit/customise the sections.

What is Headings, and how does it work?

  • Headings are an integral element in the process of article creation. They serve an important role in delineating the article's structure, breaking it down into clear, easily digestible sections.

    • Each heading signifies a new topic or idea, providing a roadmap for the content that follows. This not only makes consuming information easier but also enhances the overall readability and quality of the final product.
    • They also provide an overview of the article's content at a glance, making it easier for readers to find the information they're looking for. In essence, the use of effective headings is a key factor in producing a well-structured, high-quality article.
  • Users can select from a group of 10-12 pre-existing headings/subheadings on the listed cards, or customize them as needed.

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Step 7: Heading selection

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Step 8: Article Outline selection