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AI Article Intros

Enticing article/blog introductions that capture the attention of the audience.

What is AI Article Intros Generator?

A good introduction not only catches the visitor's eye but also compels them to keep reading. Generating curiosity through introduction is no easy task and so we decided to make it simple for you. Use the AI Article Intros Generator to create attention-grabbing introductions for your blog posts and articles in seconds.

How to use AI Article Intros Generator?

STEP 1 - Enter your topic. Anything you want to talk or write about.

STEP 2 - Select your language. Choose the number of outputs you need.

STEP 3 - Hit "Generate intros."

Here are a couple of examples:

Example 1



Topic - 5 Ways Technology Has Shaped Manufacturing in Recent Years

Language - English


  1. Manufacturing is as much a part of our digital future as it is our current reality. When so many people think of manufacturing, they think of industries that involve operating heavy machinery and producing raw materials.
    We no longer live in an age where factories are a single place to work. Rather, all aspects of the industry involve some form of technology—from the software used to the tools used at home or on the job. Even though manufacturing has evolved, it’s still a cornerstone for any economy. The following article explores five ways that technology has shaped manufacturing in recent years.
  2. Manufacturing is a fast-paced, dynamic industry that has undergone many changes in recent years. The digitization of manufacturing, the Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 are just some of the trends reshaping manufacturing.
    These changes have resulted in continuous transformation and innovations in various areas such as robotics, big data analytics and cloud computing. These innovations have improved the efficiency and quality of production processes while also reducing operational costs for manufacturers. Let’s take a closer look at how technology is reshaping manufacturing today.

Example 2



Topic - 8 Copywriting Tips for Better Marketing Campaigns

Language - English


  1. When you think about it, copywriting is a peculiar art. It’s not just about stringing words in a sequence and calling it writing. It’s about putting your audience first, so that your message hits home.
    And for all the brands out there that have fallen prey to terrible marketing and copywriting, it’s no wonder why consumers aren’t exactly jumping to buy from them.
    Fortunately, this means there’s ample opportunity for you in the market if you can set yourself apart with better marketing and copywriting.
    Every piece of marketing collateral is an opportunity to set the tone and win your customer’s loyalty. If you want to make sure yours stand out as exceptional, check out these copywriting tips; they are guaranteed to steer your marketing efforts in the right direction.
  2. Are you launching a new product? Or is your company working on a new marketing campaign? If so, it’s time to start brainstorming. Coming up with great ideas for your marketing strategy can be challenging. It’s an uphill task to streamline, shorten, and simplify the message that your company wants to communicate in a creative way. But we have good news for you! There are some fantastic copywriting tips out there that can help you improve your marketing campaigns.
    Readers don't just scan copy; they read it and make a judgment about the author based on their writing style. The words you use, how you use them and where you place them all influence how readers respond to your message. The best way to start your day is to do 1 thing before you go to sleep that you know will get your day off to a great start. It could be as simple as making a list of goals or setting your alarm 30 minutes early.

Example 3



Topic - The Realities of the Leather Industry and How to Fight Back

Language - English


  1. The leather industry has a dark reputation for being cruel and polluting, with animal rights campaigners frequently denouncing its practices. High-street chains such as New Look, Selfridges and H&M have all recently phased out their use of animal skins for this reason. However, the leather trade is worth over £7 billion annually in the UK alone, so it’s not going away any time soon. As a result, anyone who wishes to enter the industry needs to be armed with the facts about it before making a decision. Read on to learn more about the realities of this controversial trade, and how you can fight back against interference from animal rights activists if you are interested in working with leather...
  2. When you think of the leather industry, what do you see? Leather jackets, maybe? Maybe a car upholstered in leather? Think again. The actual production process for both of these things is not as glamorous as we may think. In fact, it’s rather gruesome and inhumane.
    In this blog post, we will explore the realities of the leather industry and how you can fight back against such cruelty. From slaughterhouse processes to supply chains and more, read on to learn more about what goes into your clothing and how you can help change it for the better.

Tips for using AI Article Intros Generator:

  1. Write your topic directly.
  2. Generate, mix & match all the results to create much better ideas.

Stop staring at the blank screen. Let's generate interesting intros!