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AI Article Ideas

Article/blog ideas that you can use to generate more traffic, leads, and sales for your business.

What is AI Article Ideas Generator?

Going through a creative block? Just enter a topic in the AI Article Ideas Generator and we'll come up with unlimited blog/article ideas for you. No more wondering endlessly about what to write on!

How to use AI Article Ideas Generator?

STEP 1 - Enter your topic. Anything you want to talk or write about.

STEP 2 - Choose the number of outputs you need.

STEP 3 - Select your language.

STEP 4 - Enable Semrush if you want to optimize the titles.

STEP 5 - Hit "Generate ideas."

Here are a couple of examples:

Example 1



Topic - Technology in Manufacturing Sector

Language - English


  1. Manufacturing in the Digital Age: Technology and Its Impact on the Industry
  2. 5 Ways Technology Has Shaped Manufacturing in Recent Years

Example 2



Topic - Copywriting

Language - English


  1. 8 Copywriting Tips for Better Marketing Campaigns
  2. Copywriting Secrets: How to Write Copy That Sells

Example 3



Topic - Leather industry

Language - English


  1. The Top 10 Leather Industry Companies in the World
  2. The Realities of the Leather Industry and How to Fight Back

Tips for using AI Article Ideas Generator:

  1. Write your topic directly.
  2. Generate, mix & match all the results to create much better ideas.
  3. If you like any particular output and want more similar results. Copy & paste it as input. Then hit Regenerate.

Stop staring at the blank screen. Let's generate interesting ideas!