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AI Article Outlines

Detailed outlines that help you write better content on a consistent basis.

What is AI Article Outlines Generator?

What gives any writing piece its structure? Great planning! Planning in the form of outlines. Your blog or article needs to have a well-defined outline first. This outline acts as a roadmap for you to write the blog further. Here is another AI writing feature to help you create better blog outlines, faster.

How to use AI Article Outlines Generator?

STEP 1 - Enter your topic and the introduction.

STEP 2 - Select your language. Choose the number of outputs you need.

STEP 3 - Hit "Generate outlines."

Here are a couple of examples:

Example 1



Topic - How is Ethanol Made?

Introduction - Recycling is an effective way of reducing the environmental impact of plastic. However, it’s only the first step in a longer process that can be improved. Here are seven facts about plastic that might surprise you and help you take action to reduce its impact on the environment even more.
Reducing our plastic footprint has become a major topic in many parts of the world. In particular, we have seen a lot of focus on recycling and reducing single-use plastics such as straws, cutlery, and drinking bottles. This is because they are among the most damaging types of plastic when it comes to their environmental impact.
In this article, you will learn why recycling alone isn’t enough to mitigate the negative impacts of plastic production, use, and disposal; why extended producer responsibility is important; how biodegradable plastics aren’t necessarily eco-friendly; and much more about this important topic.

Language - English


  1. By extracting it from natural sources
    By fermenting sugars
    By processing bio-mass (plant matter)
    How to make ethanol from natural sources
    How to ferment sugars to produce ethanol
    How to make ethanol from bio-mass (plant matter)
    Summing up
  2. By fermenting natural sugars
    By processing starchy foods
    Using cellulose based materials
    How is Ethanol Made from Natural Sugars?
    How is Ethanol Made From Starchy Foods?
    How is Ethanol Made Using Cellulose Based Materials?
    Summing up

Example 2



Topic - 7 Things You Didn’t Know About Plastic (and Recycling)

Introduction - Ethanol is an alcohol that can be made from a variety of sources. These include natural sugars such as those found in fruit or from crops like corn, sugar cane, or even starchy materials like grain husks. The fermentation process that creates ethanol from these sugars is the same one used to make beer, wine, and other types of liquor. It’s just on a much larger scale!
All the different methods for creating ethanol involve some type of fermentation. In general, there are three main ways that ethanol can be produced:

Language - English


  1. 7 things you (probably) didn’t know about plastic and recycling

    • Recycling is only the first step in a longer process
    • Only 9% of all plastic is actually recycled
    • Only a small fraction of recycled plastic ends up in products
    • Most of the environmental impact comes from producing new plastic
    • Biodegradable plastics are not necessarily eco-friendly
    • The recycling process has its own environmental impact
    • Extended producer responsibility is key to furthering recycling
  2. Recycling Isn’t the Only Way of Reducing Plastic Footprint
    The Environmental Impact of Manufacturing New Plastic is High
    Extended Producer Responsibility Is Incredibly Important
    Biodegradable Plastics Aren’t Always Environmentally Friendly
    Recycled Plastic Is Still Plastic

Example 3



Topic - The Realities of the Leather Industry and How to Fight Back

Introduction - When you think of the leather industry, what do you see? Leather jackets, maybe? Maybe a car upholstered in leather? Think again. The actual production process for both of these things is not as glamorous as we may think. In fact, it’s rather gruesome and inhumane.
In this blog post, we will explore the realities of the leather industry and how you can fight back against such cruelty. From slaughterhouse processes to supply chains and more, read on to learn more about what goes into your clothing and how you can help change it for the better.

Language - English


  1. The horrid realities of the leather industry
    Animal slaughter for leather
    Exploring the cruel reality of leather production
    Where does all that waste go?
    How you can help fight back
  2. The Grueling Truth About Leather Production
    Why Is Leather So Cruel?
    Finding Vegan and Cruelty-Free Alternatives to Leather
    How You Can Help Stop the Suffering in the Leather Industry
    Summing up

Tips for using AI Article Outlines Generator:

  1. Write your topic directly.
  2. Generate, mix & match all the results to create much better outlines.
  3. Give a clear idea of what you want in the introduction.

Stop staring at the blank screen. Let's generate structured outlines!