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Writesonic's New Pricing Structure

The New Word System

Whenever you buy a new subscription plan on Writesonic, your account gets credited with the relevant number of words. This Word Balance will get debited by the number of words you generate on Writesonic in the future.

Please Note: If you're already on a paid plan, this change won't affect you. Your account will still operate on the credit system until you change or upgrade your plan. And, if you wish to switch to the new system from the old one, you'll be charged a proportionate payment of the difference between the new and existing plan.

The Concept of Quality

While choosing your plan, you'll get an option to select the type of quality you want in your content. The four types of Quality we have are:

  1. Premium
  2. Good
  3. Average
  4. Economy

This selection is not permanent. You can change the quality anytime, across plans. Your word balance will adjust accordingly. For example, every 100 Premium words equal:

• 250 Good quality words
• 500 Average quality words
• 750 Economy quality words

In the $19 Long-form plan, for example, you get 12000 words in Premium quality or 30000 words in Good quality or 60000 words in Average quality, or 90000 words in Economy quality.

Therefore, if you switch from Premium to Economic quality, you will get 7.5 times more words.


  1. We never count the words in the input.
  2. Your Word Balance is shown on the dashboard in terms of the selected quality.
  3. You can also choose the number of outputs you need.

What’s Next

Check out the new pricing structure here.