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These docs are for v1.0. Click to read the latest docs for v2.2.

Explore Writesonic’s new avatar ✨

You know what they say, change is good!

And we couldn't agree more. That's why we're thrilled to announce that the Writesonic app just got a makeover. ✨

We've given your dashboard a fresh coat of paint so it looks even more beautiful (Don't worry, all your favorite features are still there. We just made them better 😉).

Here’s what you’ll find…

With a sleek & modern design that's easy on the eyes, we now have an all-new side menu to keep your dashboard much more organized:

  1. Create new projects from here.
  2. Get access to all your projects.
  3. The library lets you access all the features.
  4. Saved shows your saved projects for easy access.
  5. History is just like your browser history, displays everything you generated

  1. Use Photosonic by clicking here

  2. That’s for using the bulk upload feature

  3. To check your word balance/credits

  4. Want to Upgrade? Find all plans here

  5. Discover all your resources - guides & tutorials.

  6. Request a feature by clicking on this

Not only does your dashboard have a brand-new look, but we've also made some major improvements to the UI.

So, every feature now has a clean interface that makes content creation a breeze. Like this one here (your old pal Article Writer 3.0) 👇

Try out this new Writesonic version today and let us know what you think!

You know we love hearing from you. 😁